
What is Acne?

The clogging of your pores is what is known as Acne! It can be caused by the accumulation of sebum, bacteria, dead skin cells, dirt or a combination of those factors! If you don’t remember, sebum is an oily substance released from your pores in an attempt to help moisturize your skin.

Acne in Teenagers

As long as you keep your skin clean and moisturized, your pores will likely be on their best behaviour. But when you’re undergoing puberty, your pores tend to act out as though they’re the teenagers and you’re the parent. Puberty is the reason why acne is usually more prevalent in teenagers.

Your pores seem to be overstimulated by the hormonal changes in your body when you’re going through puberty, so they release more sebum (from the sebaceous glands in your skin).  This excessive production and release of sebum can result in the clogging of your pores. More sebum, more clogging, more acne, less happy.

But don’t really get upset over this, little ones. Just keep cleaning and moisturizing your face at least twice daily, and you’ll be golden. A lot of skin care companies target their products towards teenagers because they’re more likely to have acne (thanks puberty). So don’t let acne get you down because those companies are going to play the sympathy card and swindle you for more money than you really need to spend.

Next week, we’ll talk about the different types of Acne! Until then, take care, kiddies.


Nemours Foundation. 2013. Acne. <; March 28, 2013.